Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of 5th ICNREC with the topic “Indonesian Oil Palm Plantations: Socioeconomic Benefits, Gender Issues, and Emerging Conflicts” will be published in SCOPUS indexed proceeding by IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (*to be confirmed).
The author could join by submitting the paper with the following topics but not limited to:
- The contribution of oil palm plantations to family economies, regional income,
and regional economies - The role of women in sustainable oil palm plantation management
- Human rights issues in the management of oil palm plantations and industry
- Challenges and strategies for resolving land conflicts in oil palm plantations
Paper Submission Guidelines
By submitting a paper an author and all co-authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the IOP Proceedings Licence (
Abstract Guidelines
1. Send the Microsoft Word Document file, with font Times New Roman 10, single-spaced.
2. Abstract should be written in English
3. Abstract should consist maximum of 300 words
4. Abstract should consist maximum 5 keywords related
5. Register the file under a suitable format (ABSTRACT_authorname_country_3firstwordtitle.docx)
Full Paper Guidelines
Full paper guidelines can be downloaded here:
Both abstract and full paper should be sent by email to: