Conference Proceeding

Proceedings of 5th ICNREC with the topic “Indonesian Oil Palm Plantations: Socioeconomic Benefits, Gender Issues, and Emerging Conflicts” will be published in SCOPUS indexed proceeding by IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (*to be confirmed).

The author could join by submitting the paper with the following topics but not limited to:

  1. The contribution of oil palm plantations to family economies, regional income,
    and regional economies
  2. The role of women in sustainable oil palm plantation management
  3. Human rights issues in the management of oil palm plantations and industry
  4. Challenges and strategies for resolving land conflicts in oil palm plantations

Paper Submission Guidelines

By submitting a paper an author and all co-authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the IOP Proceedings Licence (

Abstract Guidelines
1. Send the Microsoft Word Document file, with font Times New Roman 10, single-spaced.
2. Abstract should be written in English
3. Abstract should consist maximum of 300 words
4. Abstract should consist maximum 5 keywords related
5. Register the file under a suitable format (ABSTRACT_authorname_country_3firstwordtitle.docx)

Full Paper Guidelines
Full paper guidelines can be downloaded here:

Both abstract and full paper should be sent by email to: